Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Here! Present! Don't Put a Warrant Out!

These are things you have to say when you have jury duty. You only have to say the last one if you're late, which I was not, so I just had to sit through 40 million roll calls without ever once being asked to step up and give my questionnaire answers. Very frustrating. I had good answers. To number 7? My answer?: Yes. Riveting. But, the justice system will have to roll along without my assistance for the next two years because I am done with my duty.

Wouldn't it be interesting if that was the reason why I haven't updated this sucker in like a month? Probably not. And also? It would not be accurate.

I have been very verrrrrry busy. Sort of. Lots of family time, some other things I believe you people refer to as "dates" but are actually sort of foreign to me, and lots of sitting around doing nothing because I am so very very tired what with the being unable to sleep in one location for more than a few nights in a row. I hate that.

My computer is currently acting very ornery and I must hose off before I head off to work so, I will come up with something brilliant and interesting to say later and won't that be fun for you? Cheers!


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