Sunday, May 15, 2005

Stuff About Stuff

Oh, kids. Where to begin? Much has happened, but first, how are you? How did that thing go with the thing and the other thing and the stuff? Really? Cute.

In the past few weeks I have done much and much and then some more. I have flown to Kentucky, where I drank and ate way past too much, won $400, and made out with a cute boy from Chicago. Not the worst way to spend a weekend, no?

Then I worked worked worked, and then I went to the beach last night where I drank and ate right about too much. I definitely drank past too much, but I think I ate right around much. Does that make any sense? No? Well, sorry, write it yourself next time. Anyway, it was super fun even though I had to drive through a fucking hurricane two times to get there. Don’t do that, by the way, if you have the option. It’s no good.

But between the working and the hurricane? I got my car back. You know what was wrong with it? NOTHING.

The fool boys who fixed the dents from the EEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeevil boy who jumped on my car put the hood on wrong so the shaky shaky has been coming from a loose hood, not, as suspected, from an unfixable break in the most expensive part of my car. OY.

We have been having a great time together now that we’re reunited, though. She needs a bath. That’s some boring shit though, so I’m not writing about that any more.

So that’s my news. And you? Really? Huh. Have you seen that show Intervention? It’s on now. This gay guy uses meth to fuel his sex addiction….If you need to fuel your addiction, are you really addicted? I mean, I think you’re really a meth addict who has sex a lot. It just started though so who am I to judge? I’m addicted to nothing so I have no cred here.

I have no real narrative here so I’m just going to spill out some nonsense I’ve been thinking about.

First up, Chiclets.

Stay away from them. Especially the blue ones. And if you absolutely cannot help yourself from burning your last quarter I suggest that you chew, chew, then spit. Chiclets turn into pickle juice in your mouth and that is gross and gross with a sprinkle of ick.

Next up, Elvis.

What is all this interest about? I could not give less of a…I don’t even know what. He is dead and they already made this movie at least once so let’s just stop it. Right NOW!

The girl on Intervention is addicted to gambling. This may be inappropriate but her boyfriend is super-cute.

Alright, I’m officially blathering, I’ll try and give this another shot later.


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