Saturday, April 30, 2005

On Death and Moving

Hello, everybody! So sorry for neglecting you, please don’t break up with me.

I have, actually, been verrrry busy. Very busy and without access to a computer that isn’t monitored by The Man. Well, I mean I have access to this, my computer, obviously, but if I am not at work I am very sleepy. Yet, I do not sleep. Why? Because I am a kook.

In other news, I had to go to a funeral today. It was…and I’m not being a punk…a little sad. Catholic funerals are usually all: “Yes, dead person is dead but now they are in heaven and let’s have a big party because dead person is having a way better time with Jesus and the other dead people than they ever had down here with you. So, pray, sniffle, sniffle, be happy for them, the end.”

This funeral, at a different religion's church was a little: “Dead person is dead, dead, dead. You will never see her again because she is dead. She suffered and now she is dead. Afterlife yes, but she is dead, dead, dead. She used to be dying, now she is dead. And before that she was suffering and she had cancer and in case you forgot she is dead and you should be very sad and grieve-y and she is dead and gone and dead and gone. Be sad. True, Jesus is around and she’s hanging out with him…but, in case you forgot. She is dead. Dead. But, bright side, you’ll be dead eventually, too.”

Not that I was looking for a party, but it was kind of a downer which is disappointing because the lady whose funeral it was really liked a good time and, I think, would have been a smidge let down by the lack of Yay, Heaven and the plethora of Dead, Dead, Dead.

In other, happier news, I move tomorrow! Yay, yay, and then more yay, please.

So, I move this weekend, I’m off to the Derby next weekend, then I’m off to the beach the next next weekend so I’m sure I will have many fun stories with which to entertain y’all because I seem to be developing something that closely resembles a life. Maybe.


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