Thursday, April 14, 2005


Did you know that I am very sleepy? Well, I am. Full of sleep. That is me.

But I am updating this nonsensical thing because I am too full of guilt not to. Catholic school does strange things to you, and not in a good way (but not in that pervert way either...ew). Let's see, I'm bored here. What can I have you do. Hmmm...survey?

Did you know that it takes a fucking year to download the 22 pages that contain the 2 pages of tax forms I need?

Did you know that my gray pants have disappeared?

Did you know that a yardstick just now fell on my foot?

Did you know that something ELSE is wrong with my car?

If the man next to you on the metro refused to stand up when you said "excuse me" because he's getting off at the same stop as you and thereby saw no reason for you to be allowed out of your seat would you:

a. pout like an overgrown passive aggressive baby
b. elbow man in belly
c. both

If Jeopardy was cancelled, would you care? Explain

True or false:
I've fallen asleep the last 8 nights running on my parents couch.
I've gotten a rock in my Target shoes every single time I've worn them.
American What not to Wear is better than the British version.
I'm quickly running out of things to write.
My back hurts.

Which item from the following list are you least likely to buy the next time you leave your house:

Downy ball
Music CD
Seisel rug

Who is cuter?

That kid or the other kid (Please exclude your own biological children from this question)

Who is uglier?

That other other kid or this one right here (See above)

Are you sleepy?

Do you have anything to contribute to the back pain discussion other than Pilates, walking, and milk? Please describe. Omit any references to the dangers of triple doses of Advil.


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