Friday, March 18, 2005

Book Marathon Book 1

So, as I said, I’m having a book marathon this weekend. I started with Why Girls are Weird by Pamela Ribon and I was nervous that I wouldn’t like it because I’ve read a lot of this author’s stuff online and really liked it. But, no worries, it’s good stuff.

I like that it goes off in directions you don’t expect, that it’s smart, that it’s fucking hysterical in parts and literally breaks your heart in others, and that Ian’s new girlfriend was not Tess. I like the fact that she can incorporate e-mails and instant messaging exchanges in a way that is not the usual, “Look, I can be different in my different way of writing my different book that has different things. See? See? Aren’t I different? AREN’T I?” I’ve read those books. They are not good.

I do not like the fact that I am doing such a craptastically bad job of describing why I liked this book but I haven’t showered yet today and am full of yuck and ick and my brain isn’t working. But, I think the truest sign of how I felt about this book is that I actually read every word of it. I’ve been known to zone out and skim over pages and paragraphs when I think I know what’s going to happen. I didn’t though, and that is a good thing, Martha!


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