Thursday, March 10, 2005

Shopping Stuff

I have now heard three different people make the eye poke joke. Is this a saying? Really? I would like it if it was not, ok? Thanks.

In other news, I’ve been shopping my little heart and my even littler bank account all the way out. Before today, I had been having distressingly bad luck. It’s not so much that nothing fit, as it was that nothing was not ugly. Today was a step in the right direction. I found pants! Pants!

I usually have very much difficulty finding pants because they do not make pants for me. And I mean me, specifically. The shorter, the taller? The fatter, the skinnier? They’re all taken care of. Have all the pants you want and then go have a big pants party but Erin cannot come because there are no pants for Erin.

Until today.

Today I went into the Limited for the first time in, I would say, three years. And I tried on billions of pants. And they all fit. I actually had to pick which of the ones that looked good to buy! So, I picked two pairs and I was ready for them to be super expensive although I thought maybe one pair was half off.

This is where my legendary shopping mojo at last returned to me. The pair I thought wasn’t on sale? Half off. The pair I thought was half off? $9.99. Ridiculous. So, I got $150 worth of pants for $46. These are the things that make me happy. Oh, and last night online I bought one pair of $150 pants for $40. We shall see how they turn out but I’m excited that they weren’t my best bargain.

Now, I still have much to do because all of my clothes are black. All of them. I need to remedy this because I just bought brown shoes. I don’t know why. Sometimes I’m not so much with the smart stuff.


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