Monday, February 28, 2005

Did You Know

That when someone says that they are putting in a trench drain that actual trenches will then be dug? Inside your house? I don't think I had fully grasped that concept until I wandered into the basement and there they were. Trenches. All around the place. Giant holes filled with rocks and dirt where once there was floor. I'm very thrown. I have absolutely no idea why I am thrown or why I am obsessing over this because if there is anything less interesting to think about than a hole in the ground I have yet to figure out what it is. Yet, I am not only thinking about it, I am writing about it. Troubling signs, no? The thing is, if the trenches were filled with water it would look like our basement floor had a moat around it...and that's weird, right? I have to stop this. I'm boring all of us. Sorry. I'll stop now.


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