Monday, October 03, 2005

Oh, Kids

**I just read this post over. It's not that good. You can skip it if you want.

I cannot think of a single thing to write about. Nothing. Not one. Zero things. I have been rendered completely useless by television. I cannot stay away from it. There are millions of zillions of things I would like to read, yet I do not. I watch tv.

At this moment? I am watching something about Kanye West's purchase of a diamond-encrusted Jesus head. They keep saying "Jesus heads" over and over. See why I am stupid?

What will kill me though? What will actually cause my brain to leak out of my ear? That would be My Fair Brady. A completely made-up yet plotless reality show about two people who squick me out. And this is not one of things that you know you shouldn't like but secretly do. I DON'T like it. I don't care what happens from one episode to the next, I don't feel any emotion at all while I'm watching it, and I don't particularly pay attention to the "Next time on..." which I am usually obsessed with. Yet, I watch. And then I hate myself. Awful. And I should be reading right now, but it's getting late and I have to work tomorrow...and also, you know, the Jesus heads.

Work. Eh. And then a mouse was spotted in my apartment. And then I have been attacked two times by giant mutant bees that appear to emerge from within my walls, and then I am currently the walking definition of living paycheck to paycheck.

So, in an effort to secure my financial future I have been reading up on all sorts of important stuff with initials and was all ready to make all these moves to increase my FICO score when I learn that I have somehow gone over my credit limit. Ridiculous! Now it will take me like a million years to make it up. Not so happy there.

In other news, for the first time ever in my life I had to wash out TWO vases at once and that was nice.


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