Monday, April 09, 2007

Crying Coming and Going

This weekend I attended my cousin's quite lovely wedding at which I internally mocked him and most of his immediate family for being a bunch of cryers. Sniffly, damp-eyed, choked up cry-boys. I am a cryer, I know, but I chose to ignore this fact and mock with wild abandon through the whole weekend.

So, karma.

This morning I had a very long, very vivid dream about D'oh being dead. He didn't die in the dream, it picked up after he had died and I had apparently moved back to the beach with my parents and gone back to my old retail job. But apparently I had done so like 5 minutes after he died, because it was all I and anyone around me was talking about...while I was letting people into dressing rooms with no more than five garments/three if they were swimsuits. Anyway, his death was not well investigated obviously, because it ended with some girl saying she was going to ask the police to make REALLY sure that it was D'oh who was dead and not somebody else.

Strange dream, to say the least, and it also made me cry cry cry as I was waking up this morning.

And then tonight, my well documented favorite show, Run's House, returned with the episode I've been wondering if they would do, about their baby daughter who died at birth, and it also made me cry cry cry because it was so sad and so awesome at the same time.

So now I will rest, and tomorrow, because of my stinking Irish genes, and a vengeful dose of karma, my face will be full of puff and red.

After the wedding, D'oh and I purchased a plant for his mother that I don't think we were charged for, yet we didn't take it back. Stay tuned tomorrow for the story of how I will probably have gotten mugged. Thanks a lot, karma! Keep it up, and I'll stop watching My Name is Earl.

No, I won't. I love it. And karma, that sneaky trickster, totally knows it.


Blogger Unknown said...

Luckily I am not planning on being dead anytime soon. You will just have to put up with my strange idiosyncrasies FOREVER!

8:18 AM  

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