Monday, October 30, 2006

Anyway, Back to What I Was Saying...

Hello, cupcakes!

So sorry for the delay, but first I had a birthday, then I had a vacation, then I had to recover from my vacation, and then I decided I could do nothing else until I went to the gym. No updating, no nothing. Not. Until. the Gym. So, I went today, and now here I am.

Now, the one thing of note about today, or, no, yesterday, is that my freaking cell phone, the phone that was supposed to bring peace to all the land and keep me from blowing the heck up…has died. It imploded, melted, broke the heck down, and just plain don’t work no more. This is a dangerous situation. The replacement phone, unless I wanted to PAY (new code here at Chasing Happy: CAPITAL LETTERS=RAGE) for it, won’t come for like a week. No good. So this week is a tenuous time for all of us. D’oh is on the lookout for ear steam emissions and the children at work have been warned and practiced the safety drills that come along with a rage pop head.

Now, what have you all been up to? How has October been for you? Did you switch your clocks? What are you going to dress up as tomorrow? Nothing? Me neither. I freaking hate costumes. On me. On other people, ain’t no thing. Go forth and trick or treat. Check for needles in your M&Ms, though, and no unwrapped sweet goods, ok? I’d hate to have something happen to you.

One thing I did note today though, is that the site counter here has hit 1,000, which is strange and fun and happy-making all at once. But, since I’m fairly sure that 250 are me, 250 are my sister, 250 are my other sister, and 250 are D’oh, with a few poor souls who were trying to get to by clicking from one blog to the next sprinkled in, I’m not going to get too big in the noggin. I’m not sure I could even if I wanted to since my dome is plus-sized to start.

Anyway, I’m a little tired, and a little spacey, so I’m going to stop for now, but I SWEAR (that’s not rage, that’s earnestness, perhaps we will denote earnestness with italics from now on, and you can tell I really am earnest about that, can’t you?) I will make it back around these parts before the week is out.

Because, there are engaged people all over the internet referring to the person they are marrying as either their DH or their FI. I don’t know what you all think those things mean, but they apparently really do not mean what I thought they meant.



Blogger carroll said...

Yay! The insults worked. Unfortunately for you, if you want a goat cheese and poblano burger you will have to have one at my house. You, Shannon and I were evidently the only 3 people to eat anything with poblanos here (and I'm not even sure you did), so they are all off the menu.

7:23 PM  

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