Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Coming Attractions

Wow, it has been a while, no? I already know the answer is yes, people keep mentioning it to me. And actually, this is not a real post, this is a place holder, if you will.

I actually have a lot to say around these parts but I may have caught narcolepsia from D'oh and have been actually trying to accomplish things outside of work. I never do that, so I haven't really figured out my time management. I mean, look what time it is right now! And then go to bed, because it is very late.

ANYWAY, upcoming topics include, '5 people I have come across that make me glad I'm marrying D'oh and not one of those 5 people,' my theories on the substances that make up Billy Bob Thornton's head, and my ridiculous amount of dislike for the movie 'Elizabethtown.' Then we will tackle why I'm not using proper quotation marks, and my newfound ability to keep my apartment clean, before we touch on some aspects of the wedding industry that are on my last nerve.

So, we'll pick this up tomorrow, hopefully. Well I guess today is tomorrow, (Why is the movie 'Say Anything' forever in my brain waiting to come out), so we'll tackle this later. Not now, is what I'm saying.


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