Friday, March 09, 2007

Technically? It's Thirty-Six, People, Thirty-Six, 'Kay?

Lucky for you all I had nothing to do tonight because it just took my computer a month and a half to switch to the new blogger/google combo and I was inches away from chucking you all straight out my window. Now what we're doing today, kids, is killing some birds with some stones. Not literally, of course, that will get us thrown in the clink right quick. But figuratively, here tonight, through the magic of my crappy computer, I will simultaneously catch up on my email, and my blog. I know. It's super interesting AND also not boring. Except it might be. No promises.


Earlier this week I got the email I'm sure you've all gotten entitled, 4 Things About Me and You. I get these survey things fairly regularly and I like them. I liked this one because it pretended (see title of this post) it was short, and sometimes 32 questions is just too many to be answering about myself. Then, I realized that I was mentioned by some, and defended by NONE, as someone who was unlikely to respond to that email because I am too busy. Which I am, but being me I instantly decided that of course I would respond, I always answer my email what do you mean no I don't just because I never do doesn't mean that I never do. I know, it's a fun little place inside my head. Then to add a non-injury to a non-insult, my non-blogging sister listed my blog as one she reads every day and then slammed me for never updating! Can you believe it? It's only been like, months, no? The result of this maelstrom of non-insults and non-injuries and non-blogging siblings has resulted in this post. As it is created out of guilt, I lay no claim to its quality. You only have yourself to blame, Carroll, if it sucks.

4 Things About Me and You
A. Four jobs I have had
  • Nanny (because I cannot escape children, they are everywhere I go and they flock to me, it's a little unsettling. My sister used to refer to me as a baby whisperer, and I don't think she was too far off.)
  • Sales clerk at a store in a resort town (I've discussed this at length somewhere in here, but I can't stress enough how miserable vacation people are. Stay home, I'll like you better that way)
  • Children's Librarian (ongoing...)
  • Abstractor/Indexer (you might think that sounds boring, but wait until you are stuck abstracting policy papers in a single office with someone you HAAAAAATTTTTTTEE!!!! Because, wow, that makes you want to invest in a hot poker for your own eyeball.)

B. Four movies I would watch over and over (I feel a little unqualified to answer this one as I just today finished watching a Netflix movie I've had since November. Yes, I am how they make their money.)

  • Bridget Jones' Diary (because if you don't love that part where he wraps her up in his coat at the end, I can't be friends with you. I can, but I will totally talk smack about you behind your back because you are an unfeeling and cold individual. Kisses!)
  • Any and all movies starring any and all Muppets characters. (Muppets, not Sesame Street, I appreciate what their purpose is, but all of the residents of that street seem to have some sort of personality disorder as well as abandonment issues. Big Bird, I'm looking at you.)
  • A Christmas Story (For real? You don't know why? You're dead to me.)
  • Sixteen Candles (Birthday cake? Table? Candles? Love.)

C. Four places I have lived (Hopefully in a few months there will be a new one to add to the mix. D'oh and I done bought a house...almost.)

  • Washington, DC (Within and without shouting distance of the wild animals that take up a heck of a lot of room.)
  • Wilmington, DE, Ardmore, PA, and Washington, DC, simultaneously. (I refer to this as my squatter period.)
  • Bethany Beach, DE (I refer to this as my leech period.)
  • Poughkeepsie, NY ( I refer to this as the time I escaped with my life as it turned out there was a serial killer on the next block. That was the best time of my life to not be a hooker.)

D. Four TV shows I love to watch (Four might be a stretch, I'm sort of mad at TV since it ruined Top Chef)

  • The Amazing Race (although if Oswald and Danny don't make it to the end of this season, I don't know that I will, either.)
  • Project Runway (don't you? DON'T YOU??)
  • House Hunters (see C above)
  • What Not to Wear (I am anticipating a return to obsessive viewing of this show now that the sound has mysteriously returned, after mysteriously disappearing, from TLC.)

E. Four places I have been on vacation

  • Bethany Beach, DE (it's not leeching, when it's vacation, right?)
  • Ocean City, NJ (I never could get myself to go through the haunted house, maybe someday...probably not)
  • Nassau, Bahamas (there was a smidge less national attention on that area at that time)
  • Wellesley, MA (a very fun, but very cold and froggy pool can be found here)

F. Websites I visit regularly

  • Perez Hilton (don't judge me)
  • Tell it to Coachie (I like to see how my own family is ripping me off every once in a while. HAHAHAHA)
  • The Entropy Three (she may be a thief but she's got cute kids)
  • Television Without Pity (because watching isn't enough)

G. Four of My Favorite Foods

  • Goat Cheese and Poblano Burger (you can find them here, and oh my god you should)
  • Any combination of potato and cheese (except au gratin, I just don't get it. Do you like it? Really?)
  • Dark chocolate (milk chocolate doesn't taste right. You won't convince me. And, please don't mix any chocolate with orange flavor because I will puke right now, I swear to god)
  • Spice Rubbed Chicken and Vegetable Tacos with Cilantro Slaw and Chipotle Sour Cream (Make it today! Tell your friends! Tell mine, maybe they'll make it for me!)

H. Four people I think will respond

  • Shannon and/or Carroll may leave a comment, but that will be all
  • ----
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I. Four favorite beverages

  • Margaritas
  • Water, but without ice (haven't you had that glass that's all ice and no water and it keeps knocking against your teeth? And still with the ice? Don't even talk to me about water with lemon, or seltzer (sorry Mom and Shannon and Kate) Plain water is the only way)
  • Champagne (I like bubbles...and that it makes me a very happy, but slurrrrrry, drunk)
  • Coke (If I'm so hungover that I want to die, and I tell you that I want to drink something other than that, punch me in the face, because I am a liar)

So, there we have it, Thirty-Six things masquerading as 4 things about me. See you in a few months.