Monday, June 13, 2005


So, I've been working on this month's correspondence which will be appearing shortly, but in the meantime? I have purchased this.

This is what we all need to focus on, people. It looks fine now, but I think it will look about a thousand times better if I am way skinnier and tanner by the time I need to wear it on August 13th to the wedding of the lovely and delightful Jen. So, let's focus. Should you see me doing things that are not consistent with focusing on the dress, such as eating fried chicken for lunch and ribs for dinner, not that I did that yesterday or anything, then you need to give me a little poke, or a big one. Because it is TIME TO FOCUS ON THE DRESS!!!!!!! Got it? Thanks. I appreciate your assistance in advance.

Also, if you could focus a little bit on my car who I think is trying to break up with me, I would appreciate it. She needs to not need any more repairs that aren't really repairs and she REALLY needs to not get another flat tire because that nonsense made me want to cry a little bit AND it made me late for work, which thanks to the way I was raised by my lunatic mother, fills me with rage.