Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Everywhere you look

There's the face /of somebody who needs you/, or something like that. Yup, I know the theme song to Full House. That show is horrendous, yet I have the feeling that I may have seen every episode. That is terrible news. I will say that all I did as an adolescent (and kind of still do as an adult) was watch tv. It's literally all I did. I didn't do my homework (thank god for good test-taking skills, huh?), I didn't play sports most seasons and I didn't really go out with my friends too often. I watched tv. A lot. All the time. But that still is no reason for me to have watched Full House. I tried to get through like a minute of it today and even with the hijinks and frivolity involved in a small child left unattended driving a car through the side of the house while managing to sustain no injuries, I could not. You should not either. And you definitely SHOULD NOT buy the DVD. It will make me sad for you. Is there even a market for such a thing? I'm not convinced.

In other news, the insurance estimate for the damage to my car is $1474.00. Awesome. The roof probably will have to be replaced, as will the trunk. What is wrong with people. I only cried for a little bit when I discovered the damage, but the estimate somehow made it worse even though I know it's all covered (-$100 deductible, of course). What a fucking punk. Whoever you are, there aren't words for how disappointed in you your grandmother would be if she knew what you did to my car.

Unless, of course, she is like the charming lady I just saw on Judge Judy who was suing the mother of a 16-year-old girl who had died while driving the charming lady's car for the medical expenses of her doughy son who came out of the crash without a scratch and for the damage to her car. If she is like that lady, then your grandmother would likely take you out for ice cream and offer tips on how to get the windshield next time. But, I suspect she is not.

I need to stop watching Judge Judy, but Oprah was about plastic surgery and that just grosses me out. Plastic surgery should be used to fix disfigurements...physical, not mental ones.

Oh my god, I am the worst 27-year-old on the planet. Must get life post haste.

I got to see one of my nieces today for a little bit and that's always sunny, so, I guess today was a draw. Not quite happy, not quite sad. Now, I am going to throw away basically all of my clothes, as I have been saying I would do, then not doing for about a month now. Good stuff.


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